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West Cornwall covered bridge to close in September

The covered bridge in West Cornwall will be closing on the Tuesday after Labor Day, and will remain closed for about three weeks.  The renovation of the bridge’s undercarriage has been in the works for the past two years. 


Kent Representative Brian Ohler questioned why the work wouldn't be done in the summer when school isn't in session.  According to state biologists, there are numerous species of bats living in the cracks and crevices of the bridge’s abutments and foundation. It is feared that if the work was conducted at the time of bats having their young, then the mother could potentially be scared off and abandon her pups.  But that put it off to the fall foliage season, a big draw for area business and tourists. 


The state Department of Transportation says work is limited during the winter months because there are construction materials such as concrete, asphalt, the waterproof membrane system, and the adhesive which are temperature sensitive and require installation above certain minimum temperatures.

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