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Bethel Superintendent sends follow up to parents after Snapchat threat against Middle School

The Bethel School Superintendent has sent a follow up letter to parents after a Middle School student made an indirect threat on Snapchat toward the school.  The Bethel Police Department notified the school of the incident last Tuesday and that their investigation found that the student did not have the means or intent to carry out the threat. 

Dr Christine Carver said in the letter that the district has held sessions over the past several years about safety and security, including how the district handles threats of school violence.  Carver said in the letter that the  typical student response is that, “I was only joking.” Regardless of perceived intent of the threat, the district handles them in the same manner. 

Given the recent incident, she wanted to review proactive measures and procedures.  The FBI has provided training for Police and administrators are indicators of school violence.  School counselors, psychologists, and social workers used that training to provide students with interventions when there are warning signs from potential aggressors. 

Carver says if parents continue to partner with the schools, they can reduce the non-credible threats, which leads to unnecessary anxiety in students.  She called on parents to set explicit expectations about the use of social media and monitor what children are posting.  Regardless of intent, threats have serious consequences, and all social media is permanent. 

Carver noted that school counselors can provide services or make referrals if a child needs help.