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2020 Census informational forum at WCSU Wednesday

The 2020 Census is coming, and the League of Women Voters of Northern Fairfield County is hosting a forum for residents to learn about rights and responsibilities from a Census Bureau official.  The event is on Wednesday at Western Connecticut State University.  The American Association of University Women, Danbury Branch, is a cosponsor. 

The information session will be led by Yvette Trujilo Rose, a partnership specialist in the Field Division of the Census Bureau’s New York Region.  League President Judith Griemsmann says the census provides vital information for every community.  It determines how many representatives each state gets in Congress and is used to redraw district boundaries. Local officials rely on census statistics to plan for services like road paving and schools.  The federal government distributes more than $675 billion annually to states and communities based on Census Bureau data. 

Rose will speak at 7pm in Room 127 of White Hall on the university’s Midtown campus.  The event is free and open to the public, but registration is requested at