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New Milford Police remind drivers to pay extra attention this Halloween

New Milford Police are reminding drivers to pay extra attention this Halloween.  The night poses an especially dangerous threat to pedestrians, as more people are out at night.  The Department is teaming with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to remind motorists that if the night involves alcohol, plan for a sober ride home. 

New Milford Police say with Halloween on a Thursday, they expect more parties throughout the weekend. 

Between 2013 and 2017 there were 158 drunk driving fatalities on Halloween night.  42-percent of people killed were in crashes involving a drunk drivers.  Younger drivers are most at risk,  Even tough it's illegal to drink under age 21, people underage had the highest percentage of fatalities on Halloween night in 2017. 

New Milford Police say alcohol isn't the only issue.  While the campaign Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving has been in use for a few years, the NHTSA is also reminding people that If You Feel Different, You Drive Different.  Drug use can also lead to a DUI.