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Danbury Mayor does karaoke to 'Old Town Road' after large donation to food pantry

Daily Bread Food Pantry in Danbury remains open during this health emergency.  The number of households visiting has more than tripled in recent weeks and organizers say it's been enormously challenging to keep the shelves stocked.

Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton said during his nightly update that he would jump on the viral video bandwagon and record karaoke performances in exchange for donations of 250-dollars or more to a designated charity.  On Wednesday, the City received receipt of a $1,000 donation to Daily Bread Food Pantry and Boughton posted a video to Facebook, dancing and singing to Lil Nas X and Billy Ray Cyrus’ hit “Old Town Road.” 

The video was completed in one take, having never listened to the song before Wednesday.

After a separate $1,000 donation to the pantry, Boughton said he will perform “The Scarn” dance from NBC’s “The Office.”  Boughton promised to do karaoke again to the song choice of the donor who gives $250 to Hillside Food Outreach, which is delivering free food to homebound individuals. 

Donors should email their receipt to

Non-perishable food donations help replenish the Daily Bread Food Pantry twice-weekly, while monetary monetary donations allow volunteers to make bulk purchases of food to supplement government and supermarket donations. Food donations can be accepted Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 10am to 1pm.  Credit card PayPal donations can be made through their website Most needed items include: canned tuna, canned/bagged black beans/other beans, peanut butter, canned corn, 1-3 pound bags of rice, pasta, canned tomato sauce, peanut butter. 

The pantry is located behind St. James Church at 25 West Street in Danbury. Access the pantry by heading up the Terrace Place cross street to the second small parking lot on the right.  If no one is inside the pantry to receive donations call 203-748-3561 and pantry coordinator Jill Shaw will meet donors at the door. 

There is a team of volunteers staffing the Daily Bread Food Pantry, but are looking for more people to be added to a stand-by list of volunteers to be called upon as needed. Volunteers should be energetic and willing to work hard as part of a team. Bilingual volunteers a plus.  Possible responsibilities include:

1. Running food distributions with other volunteers (Mondays 11 am – 3 pm or Fridays 8 am – 12 pm)
2. Off-loading large truck-loads of goods (timing varies)
3. Packing bags of food (timing varies)
4. Picking up large quantities of food at local supermarkets. Pickup truck or very large SUV needed (timing varies)

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