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New Fairfield seeks grant money for ventilation upgrades at Town Hall

New Fairfield officials are applying for funding to upgrade the ventilation system for both Town Hall and the Annex due to COVID-19.  STEAP grant funding could be used for this project.  

Town Engineer Antonio Iadarola researched information about the systems and determined that a combination of adding ventilation and UV disinfection would be the best option. 

FEMA could cover some of the cost of this project, but then a state STEAP grant can't be used.  But First Selectman Pat Del Monaco noted that she has not been able to reach FEMA regarding this issue. She believes the project is important and should go forward even if grants are not awarded. The cost is approximately $155,000.  The STEAP grant application is for $128,205. 

The current AC units cannot provide the sufficient outdoor air intake and air exchanges to mitigate COVID exposure for employees and the public.  The project includes installation of energy-recovery ventilators to new and existing air handling units and adding ultraviolet germicidal irradiation to return air ducts.

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