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100 of Conn.'s 169 municipalities in red zone for COVID-19 spread

More than 100 of Connecticut's 169 municipalities are in the red zone, the state's highest alert level for COVID-19 community spread.    That means each town had 15 or more cases per 100-thousand population in the last two weeks reported.  Every Greater Danbury area town is in the red zone, except for Danbury which is in the orange zone.  Danbury reported 128 cases reported to the state in the last two weeks, ending April 16th.  The City's test positivity rate is 5.9 percent. For the two weeks ending on April 16th, the case rate in New Fairfield is 23-point-2 per 100-thousand population, similar to the case rate in mid- January.  New Fairfield's test positivity rate in the latest reporting period was 11-point-1 percent, compared to the state wide rate of roughly 7 percent.  These numbers do not include the results from home test kits, as there is no state or town wide mechanism to collect that data.

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